It’s All in the Family: FMLA Requirements in Context of Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave and Pregnancy Disability
Counsel Tanya Salgado of the Labor and Employment Group will join the PBI faculty for their Employment Law Institute 2019 on April 25, 2019. Tanya, along with her co-presenter Michele Malloy, Esq. of Waste Management, will present the panel, "It's All in the Family: FMLA Requirements in Context of Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave and Pregnancy Disability."
The Institute is the perfect opportunity to get a complete annual update on changes in the law impacting the workplace and concrete insights into why those changes matter. More than 400 lawyers attend the Institute to get a comprehensive, up-to-the-minute review of everything that is new and important in the field of employment law. To register for the Institute, please visit the PBI website.